
The International Humanitarian Fact-Finding Commission – dedicated to facilitating respect for international humanitarian law


The IHFFC is the dedicated expert body established by Additional Protocol I to the Geneva Conventions to respond to incidents in relation to international humanitarian law. It stands at the service of parties to an armed conflict to conduct enquiries into alleged violations and to facilitate, through its good offices, the restoration of an attitude of respect for that body of law.





In order to secure the guarantees afforded to the victims of armed conflicts, Article 90 of the First Additional Protocol to the Geneva Conventions of 1949 (AP I) provides for the establishment of an International Fact-Finding Commission. The International Humanitarian Fact-Finding Commission (IHFFC) was subsequently established in 1991. It is a permanent body of 15 independent experts, acting in their personal capacity, elected by the States having made a declaration of recognition under Article 90 of AP I. The Commission's essential purpose is to contribute to implement and ensure respect for International Humanitarian Law (IHL) in armed conflict situations.


The Commission fulfills its mandate notably by:


· Enquiring into any facts alleged to be grave breaches or serious violations of IHL.

· Facilitating through its good offices the restoration of an attitude of respect for the Conventions and AP I.

· Reporting its findings to the States involved and making such recommendations as it deems appropriate.


In the fulfillment of its mandate, the Commission observes the principles of neutrality, independence, impartiality, and confidentiality.

In its capacity as the depositary of the Geneva Conventions and their Additional Protocols, Switzerland runs the Secretariat of the Commission.


Each State which has recognized the competence of the Commission has the right to refer for investigation situations of armed conflict to the Commission on condition that all Parties involved have equally recognized the Commission's competence. A State Party to the First Additional Protocol may make a comprehensive declaration, thereby recognizing the Commission's competence, or it may consent to an investigation into the facts of a particular dispute. A comprehensive declaration can be made at any time.


Today, 76 States have made a comprehensive declaration under Article 90.


Should you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact us.


Yours sincerely,


Thilo Marauhn




News from the IHFFC

IHFFC will hold a Side-Event at the 34th Conference of the Red Cross and Red Crescent [16/09/2024]
In armed conflicts, the uncertainty around facts and violations of IHL has grown due to misinformation, information warfare and deep fakes. IHL foresees some but limited mechanisms aiming at establishing facts and enhancing respect for IHL, including the International Humanitarian Fact-finding Commission (IHFFC). In practice, a lack of institutional anchoring has been among the reasons why these mechanisms have not been fully effective. The IHFFC’s functioning primarily depends on States that have accepted its competence. Accordingly, the IHFFC has contributed to bilateral exchanges with governments, but also to good offices in order to ensure an attitude of respect for IHL. In 2017, it has conducted its first mission upon the request of the Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe (OSCE), and it is currently providing its good offices to the Republic of Poland in respect of an incident in the Gaza Strip. [...]
Poland: Signing of the Memorandum of Understanding [21/06/2024]
The President of the International Humanitarian Fact-Finding Commission (IHFFC), Thilo Marauhn, and Minister of Foreign Affairs of Poland, Radosław Sikorski, on 20 June 2024 signed the Memorandum of Understanding between the Government of the Republic of Poland and the IHFFC in respect of the incident of 1 April 2024 in the Gaza Strip. During this incident, seven people working with the NGO World Central Kitchen (WCK) were killed, including a Polish citizen. Under the Memorandum of Understanding, the Commission will establish the facts of the incident and reaffirm applicable international humanitarian law. [...]
IHFFC Annual Meeting 2024 [29/05/2024]
The International Humanitarian Fact-finding Commission (IHFFC) held its annual meeting from 27 to 29 May 2024 in Geneva. During the meeting, the Commission discussed its substantive program of work for this year, among other relevant issues. Established under Article 90 of the First Additional Protocol to the Geneva Conventions, the IHFFC is available to parties in armed conflicts to restore respect for International Humanitarian Law (IHL). [...]
Poland accepts offer of good offices [23/05/2024]
The government of Poland, by letter dated 11 April 2024, has accepted the offer of good offices made by the International Humanitarian Fact-Finding Commission (IHFFC) in respect of the incident of 1 April 2024 in the Gaza Strip, when seven people working with the United States-based NGO World Central Kitchen (WCK) were killed, including a Polish citizen. The IHFFC and the government of Poland are currently negotiating a Memorandum of Understanding to lay down the details of the goods offices to be provided by the IHFFC.
Offer of good offices [08/04/2024]
The International Humanitarian Fact-Finding Commission (IHFFC), through letters dated 04 and 08 April 2024, has offered its good offices to the governments of Australia, Canada, Palestine, Poland, the United Kingdom of Great Britain and the United States of America in respect of the incident of 1 April 2024 in the Gaza Strip, when seven people working with the United States-based NGO World Central Kitchen (WCK) were killed, including citizens of all the above-mentioned states.
Offer of good offices to Israel and Palestine [10/11/2023]
The International Humanitarian Fact-Finding Commission (IHFFC) has offered its good offices to Israel and of Palestine through letters dated 10 November 2023. The IHFFC stands ready to assist Israel and Palestine in respect of the current situation in Israel and the Gaza Strip.
IHFFC Annual Meeting 2023 [06/06/2023]
The International Humanitarian Fact-finding Commission (IHFFC) held its annual meeting from 5 to 7 June 2023 in Geneva. Based on Article 90 of the First Additional Protocol to the Geneva Conventions, the IHFFC is at the disposal of any parties to armed conflicts to support them restoring an attitude of respect for IHL. [...]
Meeting with Polish Ministry of Foreign Affairs [10/11/2022]
The delegation of the IHFFC, composed of the members of its Bureau, visited the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Poland on 10 November 2022. The delegation was received by: Mr Marcin Przydacz - Undersecretary of State for Security, the Americas, Asia and Eastern Policy, Mr Konrad Marciniak - Director of the Legal and Treaty Department and Mr Sławomir Majszyk - Deputy Director of the Legal and Treaty Department. [...]
News archive »
IHFFC International Humanitarian Fact-Finding Commission
Kochergasse 103003 BernSwitzerlandTel +41 (0)58 465 42 00