Member since 2022
Professor of public international law
International Law Centre, Faculty of law, Université libre de Bruxelles (ULB)
Having studied law at the University of Athens and ULB, Vaios Koutroulis obtained his PhD in 2011 for a thesis on the relationship between jus contra bellum and jus in bello. Currently a professor of public international law at the ULB Faculty of Law, he also teaches at the Royal Military School of Belgium and has lectured at numerous IHL courses for professionals, including members of the armed forces. His courses include, among others, public international law, law of armed conflict and international criminal law.
His publications focus mainly on jus in bello and jus contra bellum and include a monograph on belligerent occupation published by Pedone editions (Paris) in 2010. Vaios Koutroulis was an adviser to the Counsel and Advocate of Belgium in the case concerning Questions relating to the Obligation to Prosecute or Extradite(Belgium v. Senegal) before the International Court of Justice (2012) and is the General Director of the Military Law and Law of War Review.