The International Humanitarian Fact-Finding Commission: An Awakening Beauty?, in: "Frieden in Freiheit. Peace in liberty. Paix en liberte. Festschrift fur Michael Bothe zum 70. Geburtstag" (ed. A. Fischer-Lescano, H.-P. Gasser, T. Marauhn, N. Ronzitti), Nomos - Dike, Baden-Baden - Zurich, 2008, pp. 481 - 493.
Hugo Corujo Sanseviero
"Responsibility of the Commander in Aircraft Intercept and Illegal Interference Acts". SICOFFA, Documents, Argentinian Air Force, August 1997.
"The Military Penal Law System in Uruguay", Documents, Workshop for Legal Advisors of the Spanish Armed Forces, Madrid, September 1998.
"Bases for a Defence Policy", Documents, Ministry of National Defence, October 1999.
"General Considerations Regarding the Rome Conference and the International Penal Court Statute", Strategy, Magazine of the Centre of National High Studies, Issue 1, Number 4, September 1999
and Documents International Seminars, Legal Institute of Defense, November 1999.
"Right of Law Stricto Sensu and the Humanitarian Right Stricto Sensu), Studies in the Memory of Eduardo Jiménez de Aréchaga, Universidad Católica del Uruguay, Ed. AMF, September 2000.
"Protect Action, analysis and scope of manifest illegitimate" III Public Law International Seminar, UCUDAL, August 2002.
Manual of Procedure for the National Air Police, technical publication, Uruguayan Air Force Headquarters, June 2005.
Military Disciplinary Law and Peace Keeping Operations, Naval Magazine, Naval Club, Montevideo, Uruguay, August 2007.
The investigation procedures of sexual exploitation and abuse in Peace Keeping Operations. Naval Magazine, Naval Club, Montevideo, Uruguay, June 2009.
Armed Conflicts International Law Lessons, 1st. Edition, (EMBA), December 2013.
Internal and External Projections of Security and Defense in Uruguay (co- author), Strategic Review Magazine, Issue Number 5, National High Studies Center, Montevideo, Uruguay, 2014.
Flavia Lattanzi
Valore assoluto o relativo dei principi di ordine pubblico (Absolute and Relative Value of the Principles of Public Policy), in Rivista di diritto internazionale, 1974, p. 281 ss.
Riconoscimento di sentenze straniere di divorzio e limite dell’ordine pubblico (The Recognition of Foreign Judgments on Divorce and the Limit of Public Policy), in Giurisprudenza italiana, 1975, I, 2a, p. 3 ss.
Parlamento e accordi internazionali (The Parliament and the International Treaties), in Il Parlamento: analisi e prospettive di riforma. Quaderno n. 2 di Democrazia e diritto, 1978, p. 221 ss.
Organizzazione dell’Aviazione civile internazionale (The Organization of International Civil Aviation), in Enciclopedia del diritto, XXXI, Milano, 1981, p. 228 ss.
L’émergence de l’homme et des peuples dans le droit international contemporain, in Droits de l’homme et des peuples, San Marino, 1983, p. 141 ss.
Garanzie dei diritti dell’uomo nel diritto internazionale generale (The Human Rights Guarantees in International Law), Giuffré, Milano, 1983.
Autodeterminazione dei popoli (The Principle of Self-determination), in Digesto, IV edizione, UTET, Torino, 1987.
Convenzione di Washington sulle controversie relative a investimenti e invalidità delle sentenze arbitrali (The Washington Convention on Disputes Relating to Investments and the Validity of Arbitral Judgments) , in Rivista di diritto internazionale, 1987, p. 521 ss.
Struttura dei rapporti internazionali e limiti dei procedimenti di garanzia istituiti con la Convenzione europea dei diritti dell’uomo (The Structure of International Relations and the Limits of Procedures created by the European Convention on Human Rights), in Le garanzie giurisdizionali dei diritti dell’uomo, a cura di Lorenza Carlassare, Cedam, Padova, 1988, p. 57 ss.
Sanzioni internazionali (International Sanctions), in Enciclopedia del diritto, vol. XLI, p. 536 ss., Milano, 1988.
L’impugnativa per nullità nell’arbitrato commerciale internazionale (The Appeal for Nullity in the International Commercial Arbitration), Giuffré, Milano, 1989.
Arbitrato commerciale internazionale e impugnativa per nullità (The International Commercial Arbitration and the Appeal for Nullity) , in Rivista dell’Arbitrato, 1991, p. 127 ss.
La scelta della legge applicabile nell’arbitrato commerciale internazionale (The Choice of Law in the International Commercial Arbitration), ibidem, p. 171 ss.
Eccesso di potere e ultrapetizione nel giudizio arbitrale (Exceeding Arbitrators’ Powers), ibidem, p. 596 ss.
Il Tribunale Iran-Stati Uniti: nazionalizzazione di beni stranieri e standard dell’indennizzo (The Iran-United States Tribunal: Nationalization of Foreign Property and standard of the Compensation), ibidem, p. 886 ss.
Inesistenza e nullità delle sentenze arbitrali in una pronuncia della Corte internazionale di giustizia (Inexistence and Nullity of Arbitral Awards in a Judgement of the International Court of Justice), in Rivista di diritto internazionale, 1992, p. 41 ss.
Alcune riflessioni sull’istituzione di un Tribunale penale ad hoc per la ex-Iugoslavia (Some Reflections on the Institution of an Ad Hoc Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia), in Diritti dell’uomo, Cronache e Battaglie, 1993, fasc. 1, p. 32 ss.
La gestione della cooperazione transfrontaliera da parte delle autonomie locali nel quadro dell’ordinamento italiano (The Trans-boundary Cooperation by the local Authorities in the framework of the Italian Law System), in Atti del Convegno su "La cooperazione transfrontaliera nel Mediterraneo”, Sassari-Alghero 1991, Sassari, 1993, p. 231.
Intervento alla Tavola Rotonda Roma 23 aprile 1993 su Ex-Iugoslavia: i crimini contro l’umanità e il Tribunale internazionale delle Nazioni Unite secondo la ris. 808 del Consiglio di sicurezza( The Crimes against Humanity and the International ad Hoc Tribunal according to the Res. 808 of the Security Council), in Atti, S. Bellino (Rovigo), 1993, p. 53 ss.
I claims di persone fisiche con doppia nazionalità dinanzi al Tribunale Iran-Stati Uniti (The Double Nationality and the Claims of Individuals before the Iran-United States Tribunal), in Rivista dell’arbitrato, 1993, p. 513 ss.
Intervento al Convegno Soldati di pace per l’ONU: perché un contingente italiano (UN Peace Soldiers: why an Italian Contingent, Roma 15 aprile 1993, in Atti Archivio Disarmo, Roma, 1993.
Riflessioni sulla competenza di una corte penale internazionale (Some Remarks on the Competence of a International Criminal Court), in Rivista di diritto internazionale, 1993.
Note in tema di arbitrabilità della controversia nell’arbitrato commerciale internazionale (Remarks on the Possibility to Submit a Commercial Dispute to International Arbitration), in Rivista dell’arbitrato, 1993, p. 655.
La comunità internazionale tra conflitti armati e necessità di pace (The International Community between Armed Conflicts and Necessity of Peace). Prolusione inaugurale del 432° anno accademico (1993-1994) ((Inaugural Lecture) dell’Università di Sassari.
La secessione nel diritto internazionale: autodeterminazione dei popoli e delimitazione di un territorio nazionale nell’esperienza recente (The Secessionin the International Law: the Principle of Self-determination and the Delimitation of a National Territory in the Recent Practice), Convegno Stato, etnicità e nazionalismo nella transizione fra due ordini mondiali, Urbino, 6-7 maggio 1994.
Assistenza umanitaria e intervento di umanità (Humanitarian Assistance and Humanitarian Intervention), Ed. Provv., Roma, 1994.
Il Tribunale Iran-Stati Uniti e il disconoscimento dei diritti della moglie su alcuni beni coniugali (The Iran-United States Tribunal and the Disavowal of Wife’s Rights on Some Sposes’ Assets), in Rivista dell’arbitrato, 1994, p. 357 ss.
Assistenza umanitaria e consenso del sovrano territoriale (Humanitarian Assistance and the Consent of Territorial Sovereign), in Studi in ricordo di Antonio Filippo Panzera, vol. I, Bari, 1995, p. 415 ss.
La répression des crimes du droit international: des juridictions internes aux juridictions internationales, in Le droit face aux crises humanitaires, Commission européenne, Luxembourg, 1995, p. 121 ss.
La competenza delle giurisdizioni di Stati "terzi” a ricercare e processare i responsabili dei crimini nell’ex-Iugoslavia e nel Ruanda (The Competence of "Third” States Jurisdictions to Search and to Prosecute Individuals Responsible for Crimes in the Former Yugoslavia and Rwanda), in Rivista di diritto internazionale, 1995, p. 707 ss.
Dai Tribunali penali internazionali ad hoc a una Corte permanente (From International Criminal Ad Hoc Tribunals to a Permanent Court), Roma, 15-16 dicembre 1995, in Atti a cura di Flavia Lattanzi ed Elena Sciso, Editoriale Scientifica, Napoli, 1996, p.173 ss.
La primazia del Tribunale penale internazionale per l’ex-Iugoslavia (The Primacy of the International Criminal Tribunal for the Former-Yugoslavia), in Rivista di diritto internazionale, 1996, p. 597 ss.
Assistenza umanitaria e intervento di umanità (Humanitarian Assistance and Humanitarian Intervention), Giappichelli, Torino, 1997.
The International Criminal Court. Comments on the Draft Statute (Ed. by Flavia Lattanzi), Napoli, 1998.
The Complementary Character of the Jurisdiction of the court with Respect to National Jurisdiction, in Comments on the Draft Statute (Ed. by Flavia Lattanzi), Napoli, 1998, p. 3 ff.
Rapporti fra giurisdizioni penali internazionali e giurisdizioni penali interne, in Crimini di guerra e competenza delle giurisdizioni nazionali (The Relationships between International Criminal Jurisdictions and National Criminal Jurisdictions, (a cura di PierLuigi Lamberti Zanardi e Gabriella Venturini), Giuffré, Milano, 1998.
L'esecuzione delle sentenze dei tribunali penali internazionali (The Enforcement of the International Criminal Tribunals’ Judgments), in Cooperazione fra Stati e giustizia penale internazionale , Editoriale scientifica, Napoli, 1999.
La Conferenza di Roma sulla Corte penale internazionale. Problemi di giurisdizione (The Rome Conference on the International Criminal Court. Problems of Jurisdiction), ibidem.
Compétence de la Cour pénale internationale et consentement des Etats, in Revue générale de droit international public, 1999.
The Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court. Collection of Studies, vol. I (ed. by Flavia Lattanzi and William Schabas), L’Aquila, 1999.
The Rome Statute and State Sovereignty. ICC Competence, Jurisdictional Links, Trigger Mechanism., ibidem, p. 51 ff.
Consiglio di sicurezza (Security Council), in Enciclopedia giuridica, Roma, 2000.
The Rome Statute and Domestic Legal Orders, vol. I (Ed. by Claus Kress and Flavia Lattanzi), Baden/Baden-L’Aquila, 2000.
Il principio di ingerenza umanitaria nei conflitti moderni (The Principle of Humanitarian Intervention in Modern Conflicts), Ricerca CeMISS, dicembre 2000, pp. 1-128.
The International Criminal Court and National Jurisdictions, in The Rome Statute of the ICC. A Challenge to Impunity, Ashgate, Aldershot, 2001, p. 179 ff.
The Notion of Crimes against Humanity in the ICTY and ICTR Practice, in International and National Prosecution of Crimes Under International Law: Current Developments, Berlin Verlag Arno Spitz, 2001.
Gli "Elements of Crimes” - Corte penale Internazionale - I (Elements of Crimes – International Criminal Court- I), in Diritto penale e processo, Anno VII, Gennaio 2001.
Gli Elements of Crimes - Corte penale Internazionale - II (Elements of Crimes – International Criminal Court- II), in Diritto penale e processo, Anno VII, Marzo 2001).
The Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court. Collection of Studies, vol II, (ed. by Flavia Lattanzi and William Schabas), L’Aquila, 2003.
The Rome Statute and Domestic Legal Orders, vol II, (ed. by Claus Kress Flavia Lattanzi, Bruce Broomhall, Valeria Santori), Baden/Baden-L’Aquila, 2005.
La protezione internazionale della democrazia (The International Protection of Democracy), in Suppl. Rivista di Diritto pubblico comparato ed europeo, 2005.
Tribunali penali internazionali (International Criminal Tribunals), in Dizionario di diritto pubblico, Giuffrè, 2006.
Assistenza umanitaria e intervento di umanità (Humanitarian Assistance and Humanitarian Intervention), ed. aggiornata della 1a edizione (Updated Publication, in course).
La frontière entre Droit international humanitaire et Droits de l’homme, Recueil à la mémoire de Laithy Kama, ICTR (Arusha), 2007.
Quelques réflexions sur le « principe de juridiction universelle », in Diritti individuali e giustizia internazionale (Individual Rights and International Justice, Liber Fausto Pocar) (Droits individuels et justice internationale Liber Fausto Pocar), a cura di / edited by / sous la direction de Gabriella Venturini /Stefania Bariatti, Giuffre', Milano, 2009, pp. 461-478.
La partecipazione delle vittime alle procedure davanti alla Corte penale internazionale (CPI), in "La vittima di reato tra tutela giuridica e solidarietà sociale", Atti del Convegno Catania/Siracusa 4-5 dicembre 2008, a cura di Carola Parano e Nicoletta Parisi (The Participation of Victimes to the International Criminal Court Procedures, in "The Victim of Crime between Legal Guaranties and Social Solidarity"), Congress Catania/Siracusa 4th-5th December 2008, edited by Carola Parano and Nicoletta Parisi.
Concurrent Jurisdictions between Primacy and Complementarity, in International Criminal Justice, Law and Practice from the Rome Statute to Its Review, ed. by Roberto Bellelli (Ashgate, Farnham-Burlington, 2010), pp. 181-208.
Eric David
Two prize-winning works: Mercenaires et volontaires internationaux en droit des gens, (Henri Rolin Prize 1977) and Principes de droit des conflits armés (5th ed., 2012), Peace prize of 1994 awarded by the Auschwitz Foundation and the Peace Centre of the city of Antwerp, and Paul Reuter Prize of 1994 awarded by the International Committee of the Red Cross; Russian translation by the ICRC : Printsipy prava vooruzhennyh konfliktov (Moscou, CICR, 2000 et 2011)
Eléments de droit pénal international et européen, Bruxelles, Bruylant, 2009.
Le génocide au Rwanda - Les enquêtes officielles menées en Belgique, en France, à l'ONU et à l'OUA, Paris, L'Harmattan, 2015
Numerous course syllabuses and collections of texts and more than 150 scientific articles in Belgian and foreign reviews of international law.
Charles Garraway
Superior Orders and the International Criminal Court: Justice Delivered or Justice Denied?, International Review of the Red Cross, No.836 (1999), at pp.785-794. (Reprinted in The International Criminal Court (Olympia Bekou & Robert Cryer Eds), Ashgate, Aldershot 2004, at p.179.).
The Defence of Superior Orders, in War Crimes Law and the Statute of Rome: Some Afterthoughts?, Report of the Rijswijk Seminar of 22 October 1999, Peter Duijx, Roelof Haveman, Elies van Sliedregt Eds., International Society for Military Law and the Law of War, 1999, at p.24-28.
The Code of Conduct for Military Operations during Non-International Armed Conflict, IIHL, (November 2001) (With Michael N. Schmitt, Yoram Dinstein, Michel Bourbonniere).
Various contributions to The International Criminal Court – Elements of Crimes and Rules of Procedure and Evidence, Roy Lee Ed., Transnational Publishers, 2001.
Training: The Whys and Wherefores, Social Research, Vol.69, No.4 (Winter 2002), at p.949-962.
Accountability and Reconciliation – Squaring the Circle in Situations of Internal Violence, in Krisensicherung und Humanitarer Schutz – Crisis Management and Humanitarian Protection (Festschrift fur Dieter Fleck), Horst Fischer, Ulrike Froissart, Wolff Heintschel von Heinegg, Christian Raap Eds., Berliner Wissenschafts-Verlag, 2004, at p.125-138.
Interoperability and the Atlantic Divide – A Bridge over Troubled Waters. Israel Yearbook on Human Rights, Vol.34 (2004), at p.105-125 (also in Issues in International Law and Military Operations, International Law Studies US Naval War College, Vol.80 (Richard Jaques Ed.), at pp.337-355).
Occupation Policy in Iraq and International Law, International Peacekeeping, The Yearbook of International Peace Operations, Vol.9 (2004), at p.27-61 (with Michael Schmitt).
Military Excesses? Is there a ‘Right Way’ of Dealing, Journal of International Criminal Law 2 (2004), at p.981-987.
The Use and Abuse of Military Manuals. Yearbook of International Humanitarian Law, Volume 7 (2004), at pp.425-440.
Responsibility of Command – A Poisoned Chalice? , in International Humanitarian Law and the 21st Century’s Conflicts: Changes and Challenges, Roberta Arnold & Pierre-Antoine Hildbrand Eds., Edis, 2005, at p.117-138.
Command Responsibility: Victors’ Justice or Just Desserts? In International Conflict and Security Law: Essays in Memory of Hilaire McCoubrey (Richard Burchill, Nigel White & Justin Morris Eds.), CUP, 2005, at p.68-83.
Military Commissions – Kangaroo Courts? Israel Yearbook on Human Rights, Vol.35 (2005), at p.101-113 (also in International Law Challenges: Homeland Security and Combating Terrorism, International Law Studies US Naval War College, Vol.81 (Thomas Sparks & Glen Sulmasy Eds.), at pp.303-315).
The Statute of the Iraqi Special Tribunal – A Commentary, in Testing the Boundaries of International Humanitarian Law, Susan Breau & Agnieszka Jachec-Neale Eds., BIICL, 2006, at pp.155-189.
"England Does Not Love Coalitions”: Does Anything Change? Israel Yearbook on Human Rights, Vol.36 (2006), at pp.29-42 (also in The Law of War in the 21st Century: Weaponry and the Use of Force, International Law Studies US Naval War College, Vol.82 (Anthony Helm Ed.), at pp.233-244).
The Manual on the Law of Non-International Armed Conflict (with Commentary), International Institute of Humanitarian Law, Israel Yearbook on Human Rights, Vol.36 (2006), Special Supplement (with Michael Schmitt and Yoram Dinstein).
Strengthening Respect for International Humanitarian Law Training – Rote or Ethos?, in Human Dignity Protection in Armed Conflict (Guido Ravasi & Gian Luca Beruto Eds.), Dragan European Foundation 2006, at pp.170-174.
To Shoot or Not to Shoot – That is the Question?, TMC Asser Instituut, August 2006.
The ‘War on Terror’: Do the Rules Need Changing?, Chatham House Briefing Paper IL BP 06/02, September 2006.
Competing Legal Issues: A European Viewpoint, in Conference Report "A Nation at War”, Seventeenth Annual Strategy Conference, United States War College, Strategic Studies Institute, January 2007 at pp.163-187.
State Intelligence Gathering: Conflict of Laws. Michigan Journal of International Law, Vol.28, No.3 (Spring 2007), at pp.575-594.
Combatants – Substance or Semantics?, in International Law and Armed Conflict: Exploring the Faultlines (Michael Schmitt & Jelena Pejic Eds.), Martinus Nijhoff 2007, at pp.317-334.
War Crimes, in Perspectives on the ICRC Study on Customary International Humanitarian Law (Elizabeth Wilmshurst & Susan Breau Eds.), CUP 2007, at pp.377-398.
Courts and Tribunals, in Crimes of War (Roy Gutman, David Rieff & Anthony Dworkin Eds.), 2nd. Ed., Norton 2007, at pp.132-134.
Occupation Responsibilities and Constraints, in The Legitimate Use of Military Force (Howard Hensel Ed.), Ashgate 2008, at pp.263-282.
The Relevance of Jus Post Bellum: A Practioner’s Perspective, in Jus Post Bellum, Towards a Law of Transition From Conflict to Peace (Carsten Stahn & Jann K Kleffner Eds.), TMC Asser 2008, at pp.153-162.
Military Manuals, Operational Law and the Regulatory Framework of the Armed Forces, in National Military Manuals on the Law of Armed Conflict (Nobuo Hayashi Ed.), FICHL Publication Series No.2 (2008), at pp.50-55.
The International Humanitarian Fact-Finding Commission, Commonwealth Law Bulletin, Vol.34, No.4, December 2008, at pp.813-816.
The Duties of the Occupying Power: An Overview of the Recent Developments in the Law of Occupation, in Facets and Practices of State-Building (Julia Raue & Patrick Sutter Eds.), Martinus Nijhoff 2009, at pp.179-192.
The Doctrine of Command Responsibility, in The Legal Regime of the International Criminal Court – Essays in Honour of Professor Igor Blishchenko (José Doria, Hans-Peter Gasser & M Cherif Bassiouni Eds.), Martinus Nijhoff 2009, at pp.703-727.
Afghanistan and the Nature of Conflict Israel Yearbook on Human Rights, Vol.39 (2009), at p.1-25(also in The War in Afghanistan: A Legal Analysis, International Law Studies US Naval War College, Vol.85 (Michael Schmitt Ed.), at pp.157-180).
‘To Kill or Not to Kill?’ – Dilemmas on the Use of Force, Journal of Conflict & Security Law, Vol.14, No.3, Winter 2009, at pp.499-510.
The Geneva Conventions and United Nations Personnel (Protocols) Act 2009: A Move Away from the Minimalist Approach, ICLQ, Vol.59, Part 1 (January 2010), at pp.171-180 (with Michael Meyer).
Applicability and Application of International Humanitarian Law to Enforcement and Peace Enforcement Operations (Chapter 5.5) and International Law in Self-Defence Operations (Chapter 11), in The Handbook of the International Law of Military Operations (Terry Gill & Dieter Fleck Eds.), OUP, 2010, at pp. 129-133 and 213-215 respectively.
The Changing Character of the Participants in War: Civilianization of Warfighting and the Concept of ‘Direct Participation in Hostilities', in International Law and the Changing Character of War, International Law Studies US Naval War College, Vol.87 (Paul A. ‘Pete' Pedrozo & Daria P. Wollschlaeger Eds.), at pp.177-186.
Can the Law of Armed Conflict Survive 9/11?, Yearbook of International Humanitarian Law, Vol. 14, at pp. 383-390.
War and Peace: Where Is the Divide?, in Non-international Armed Conflict in the Twenty-First Century, International Law Studies US Naval War College, Vol.88 ( Kenneth Watkin & Andrew J. Norris Eds.), at pp. 93-115.
Comments on Illegal War and Illegal Conduct: Are the Two Related?, Netherlands International Law Review, Vol. LIX (2012), at pp. 473-492.
The Application of Superior Responsibility in an Era of Unlimited Information, in International Humanitarian Law and the Changing Technology of War (Dan Saxon Ed.), Brill, 2012, at pp.187-206.
Allegations, Denials and Investigations – Preparing for the Inevitable, NATO Legal Gazette Issue 30, May 2013, at pp. 11-17.
Armed Conflict and Terrorist Organisations, in Counter-Terrorism Strategies in a Fragmented International Legal Order (Larissa van den Herik & Nico Schrijver Eds.), CUP, 2013, at pp.425-453.
Armed Conflict and Law Enforcement: Is There a Legal Divide?, in Armed Conflict and International Law: In Search of the Human Face, Liber Amicorum in Memory of Avril McDonald (Mariëlle Matthee, Brigit Toebes & Marcel Brus Eds.), Asser Press, 2013, at pp.259-283.
Fact-Finding and the International Humanitarian Fact-Finding Commission, in Quality Control in Fact-Finding (Morten Bergsmo Ed.), TOAEP, 2013, at pp.427-446.
The Protection of Civilians and Civilian Objects from the Effects of Air and Missile Warfare: Are there Any Differences between the Immediate Battlefield and the Extended Battlefield? Israel Yearbook on Human Rights, Vol.44 (2014), at pp.125-144.
The Law Applies, But Which Law? A Consumer Guide to the Laws of War, in The American Way of Bombing (Matthew Evangelista & Henry Shue Eds.), Cornell University Press, 2014, at pp.87-105.
Direct Participation and the Principle of Distinction: Squaring the Circle, in Contemporary Challenges to the Laws of War, Essays in Honour of Professor Peter Rowe (Caroline Harvey, James Summers & Nigel White Eds.), CUP, 2014, at pp.169-190.
Published Presentations
Achieving Implementation of International Humanitarian Law as it Relates to the Conduct of Hostilities, in Report of International Conference on International Humanitarian Law Dedicated to the 140th Anniversary of the 1868 St Petersburg Declaration, St Petersburg, 24 November 2008.
Identifying Violations of IHL During and After an Armed Conflict, in Report of Conference, 60 Years of the Geneva Conventions and the Decades Ahead, Geneva, 9-10 November 2009.
Il y a quinze membres de la Commission internationale humanitaire détablissement des faits