International Humanitarian Fact-Finding Commission to lead an independent forensic investigation in Eastern Ukraine (Luhansk province)

International Humanitarian Fact-Finding Commission to lead an independent forensic investigation in Eastern Ukraine (Luhansk province)

The International Humanitarian Fact-Finding Commission (IHFFC) was asked by the OSCE to lead an independent forensic investigation in relation to the incident of 23 April 2017 that occurred in Pryshyb (Luhansk Province) and caused the death of a paramedic and the injury of two monitors of its Special Monitoring Mission to Ukraine (SMM).

On 18 May 2017 the Secretary General of the OSCE Lamberto Zannier and the President of the IHFFC Thilo Marauhn signed a memorandum of understanding between the two organizations, followed by a distinct agreement relating to the incident. Based on the terms of reference agreed therein, the purpose of the independent forensic investigation is to establish the facts of the incident by conducting a post-blast scene forensic and technical assessment against the background of international humanitarian law. While the investigation will be guided by the applicable rules of international humanitarian law, criminal responsibility and accountability for the explosion is outside its scope.

Ambassador Alfredo Labbé (Chile), Vice-President of the IHFFC, will lead the investigation team. The other members of the team will be proposed by the IHFFC and selected by the team leader in consultation with the OSCE Secretary General.

The team will conduct its investigation confidentially and will report to the OSCE Secretary General only.

There are fifteen members of the International Humanitarian Fact-Finding Commission.