Presentation of the IHFFC before the COJUR (EU) in Brussels

Presentation of the IHFFC before the COJUR (EU) in Brussels

The IHFFC was invited by the EU Council Working Group on Public International Law (COJUR) for a presentation during its session of 6 June in Brussels.

The Commission was represented by its President, Prof. Michael Bothe, Prof. Eric David and Ambassador Christine Schraner Burgener, Secretary of the Commission. Three presentations were made: about its existence and functioning in general, current activities and logistical aspects of the potential operations. A lively discussion followed with the delegates of the COJUR.

To see the slides of the three presentations, please click on the respective item below:

Existence and Functioning
Document PDF, 06 June, 2007
Current Activities
Document PDF, 06 June, 2007
Logistical Aspects
Document PDF, 06 June, 2007

There are fifteen members of the International Humanitarian Fact-Finding Commission.