Workshop on “Accountability and Fact-Finding Mechanisms for Violations of International Humanitarian Law and Human Rights Law: the Role of the Security Council – Past and Future”
The Permanent Mission of Portugal to the United Nations, the Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA) and the International Peace Institute organized on 1st November 2011 in New York a workshop at the occasion of the Portuguese Presidency in the Security Council.
The title of the workshop was “Accountability and Fact-Finding Mechanisms for Violations of International Humanitarian Law and Human Rights Law: the Role of the Security Council – Past and Future”.
The International Humanitarian Fact-Finding Commission was represented by a Vice-President Elżbieta Mikos-Skuza and the Commission’s local representative in New York Mateya Kelley.
One of the panels related to fact-finding mechanisms. Vice-President Mikos-Skuza took the floor in the discussion introducing the IHFFC and pointing out its added value in comparison with ad hoc mechanisms. There were also some informal consultations held on different problems relating to the possible mandate for the Commission, including the case of the death of Colonel M. Gadhafi.