Each State which has recognized the competence of the Commission has the right to refer for investigation situations of armed conflict to the Commission on condition that all Parties involved have equally recognized the Commission's competence. A State Party to the First Additional Protocol may make a comprehensive declaration, thereby recognizing the Commission's competence, or it may consent to an investigation into the facts of a particular dispute. A comprehensive declaration can be made at any time.
Today, 76 States have made a comprehensive declaration under Article 90.
Country | State Party since |
Algeria | ao 16 August 1989 |
Argentina | bv 11 October 1996 |
Australia | bd 23 September 1992 |
Austria | af 13 August 1982 |
Belarus | ap 23 October 1989 |
Belgium | ah 27 March 1987 |
Bolivia | bc 10 August 1992 |
Bosnia and Herzegovina | bf 31 December 1992 |
Brazil | bk 23 November 1993 |
Bulgaria | bm 09 May 1994 |
Burkina Faso | cn 24 May 2004 |
Cabo Verde | bq 16 March 1995 |
Canada | as 20 November 1990 |
Chile | au 24 April 1991 |
Colombia | bu 17 April 1996 |
Cook Islands | ci 07 November 2002 |
Costa Rica | cd 02 December 1999 |
Croatia | ba 11 May 1992 |
Cyprus | ch 14 October 2002 |
Czech Republic | br 02 May 1995 |
Democratic Republic of the Congo | cj 12 December 2002 |
Denmark | ae 17 June 1982 |
Estonia | cr 20 February 2009 |
Finland | ab 07 August 1980 |
Germany | at 14 February 1991 |
Greece | bz 04 February 1998 |
Guinea | bl 20 December 1993 |
Hungary | av 23 September 1991 |
Iceland | ai 10 April 1987 |
Ireland | cb 19 May 1999 |
Italy | ag 27 February 1986 |
Japan | co 31 August 2004 |
Kuwait | ct 21 June 2013 |
Laos | bx 30 January 1998 |
Lesotho | cs 13 August 2010 |
Liechtenstein | an 10 August 1989 |
Lithuania | ce 13 July 2000 |
Luxembourg | bg 12 May 1993 |
Madagascar | bi 27 July 1993 |
Malawi | cv 10 January 2014 |
Mali | cl 09 May 2003 |
Malta | al 17 April 1989 |
Monaco | cq 26 October 2007 |
Mongolia | bt 06 December 1995 |
Montenegro | cp 02 August 2006 |
Namibia | bo 21 July 1994 |
Netherlands | aj 26 June 1987 |
New Zealand | ak 08 February 1988 |
North Macedonia | bj 01 September 1993 |
Norway | ac 14 December 1981 |
Palestine | cx 26 March 2018 |
Panama | cc 26 October 1999 |
Paraguay | by 30 January 1998 |
Poland | be 02 October 1992 |
Portugal | bn 01 July 1994 |
Qatar | aw 24 September 1991 |
Republic of Korea | cm 16 April 2004 |
Romania | bs 31 May 1995 |
Rwanda | bh 08 July 1993 |
Saint Kitts and Nevis | cw 17 April 2014 |
Saint Vincent and the Grenadines | cu 04 November 2013 |
Serbia | cg 16 October 2001 |
Seychelles | bb 22 May 1992 |
Slovakia | bp 13 March 1995 |
Slovenia | az 26 March 1992 |
Spain | am 21 April 1989 |
Sweden | aa 31 August 1979 |
Switzerland | ad 17 February 1982 |
Tajikistan | bw 10 September 1997 |
Togo | ax 21 November 1991 |
Tonga | ck 20 January 2003 |
Trinidad and Tobago | cf 20 July 2001 |
Ukraine | aq 25 January 1990 |
United Arab Emirates | ay 06 March 1992 |
United Kingdom | ca 17 May 1999 |
Uruguay | ar 17 July 1990 |