Support and Encouragement of the Commission

The Commission has received support and encouragement through a number of resolutions, declarations, recommendations and guidelines adopted by international institutions and bodies. In particular, these documents have called upon States to accept the competence of the Commission and to use its services. The following list contains the major examples:

United Nations General Assembly:

Resolution 55/148 of 12 December 2000
Document PDF, 12 December, 2000
Resolution 57/14 of 19 December 2002
Document PDF, 19 December, 2002
Resolution 59/36 of 16 December 2004
Document PDF, 16 December, 2004

United Nations Security Council:

Resolution 1265 of 17 September 1999
Document PDF, 17 September, 1999

Resolutions of International Red Cross/Red Crescent Conferences:

Other bodies:

There are fifteen members of the International Humanitarian Fact-Finding Commission.